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Forge Monchieri’s Social and Ethical Responsibility Policy is based on the desire to pursue the objectives of sound economic management, reconciling them with respect for people and the environment in which the company is located.

The Social Responsibility and Ethics Policy involves the entire organization and relations with all stakeholders and is based on the following principles:

  • Confidentiality:Forge Monchieri ensures the confidentiality of the information in its possession in accordance with current national legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • Enhancement of equity investment:Forge Monchieri strives to ensure that economic/financial performance is such that it safeguards and enhances the value of the company, to adequately remunerate the risk that shareholders take with the investment of their capital.
  • Value of Human Resources:Forge Monchieri protects and promotes the value of its employees. In addition, to ensure full respect for human rights, it undertakes not to use, even indirectly, forced labor or child labor.
  • Equity of responsibility:Forge Monchieri is committed to ensuring that responsibility is exercised fairly and equitably while avoiding any abuse.
  • Personal Integrity:Forge Monchieri guarantees the physical and moral integrity of its employees and collaborators, working conditions that respect individual dignity, and safe and healthy working environments.
  • Transparency and completeness of information:Forge Monchieri is committed to providing all its stakeholders with complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information.
  • Diligence and Accuracy in the Performance of Tasks and Contracts:: Forge Monchieri si impegna affinché tutti i contratti e gli incarichi di lavoro siano eseguiti secondo quanto stabilito consapevolmente dalle parti.
  • Fairness and equity in the management and possible renegotiation of contracts:Forge Monchieri undertakes not to take advantage in any case of contractual gaps, or unforeseen events, to renegotiate the contract, taking advantage of the possible position of dependence or weakness of the interlocutor.
  • Quality of services and products:Forge Monchieri orients its business to the satisfaction and protection of its customers, focusing on high-quality standards of its services and products.
  • Fair Competition: Forge Monchieri intends to protect the value of competition by refraining from unfair behaviour in full compliance with national and international regulations
  • Responsibility to the community:Forge Monchieri, aware of the influence, even indirectly, that its activities can have on the conditions, economic and social development, and general welfare of the community, intends to conduct its investments in an environmentally sustainable manner and with respect for local communities.
  • the environment is a primary asset that Forge Monchieri is committed to safeguarding in consideration of respect for future generations and in full compliance with current regulations.: l’ambiente è un bene primario che Forge Monchieri s’impegna a salvaguardare in considerazione del rispetto delle generazioni future e nel pieno rispetto della normativa vigente
  • Health and Safety Protection:Forge Monchieri supports and implements the organization of work in accordance with the principles of Health and Safety at Work as defined in the Consolidated Safety Act published by Legislative Decree 81/08 (as amended and supplemented).

Forge Monchieri has established an internal Supervisory Board with the task of overseeing the implementation of and compliance with the Code of Ethics and the Organization, Management and Control Model, implemented in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01.
